Format: MP4
Resolution: 320x240
Language: Jap w/ Eng Subs
File Size: Max. of 35MB
Genres: comedy, fantasy, psychological, romance
Themes: curses, ecchi, fanservice, school
Plot Summary: A school battle action & love comedy with ecchi elements. Yachi Haruaki is a high school boy and naturally resistant to curses.
His father, Honatsu, sends him cursed instruments called "Worse" to try to break this. One day, Haruaki receives a black cube from Honatsu. During
the night, he encounters a naked silver haired girl stealing rice crackers. She is the human-form of the black cube, an instrument of torture called
"Fear in Cube". Haruaki and the girl 'Fear' fight together against other 'Worse' instruments and their owners using Fear's 32 mechanisms of torture.
Episode 1 "I Have No Idea Who Goes to Bed"
Episode 2 "Do Something, to Something, to Somewhere"
Episode 3 "The Antinomy of Their Temperatures"
Episode 4 "At Night, a Mother and a Hugging Pillow"
Episode 5 "Even If I Were to be Cursed"
Episode 6 "A Frail Sphere Glass-Like Thing"
Episode 7 "Not Reflected in the Eyes of a Seer"
Episode 8 "Like An Unescapable Curse"
Episode 9 "The Returnee is Strange Somewhere"
Episode 10 "The Sadist is Nowhere to be Seen"
Episode 11 "The Fanatic is Somewhere
Episode 12 "The Sovereign is Everywhere"